Monday, July 16, 2007

Guess Where.....

Sorry for not getting to a computer recently, but aside from our normal busy schedule I have been traveling quite a bit...most notebly to my site for the next two years! So, I have stationed in the Macuata provincial office working with their qoliqoli cakavata (fisheries committee). The provincial office is in Labasa (pronounced lambasa), which is that largest "city" on Vanua Levu (Fiji's second largest island in the north). The city is located on the northern side of the island adjacent to the 3rd lagest barrier reef in the world. I visit the site this week, and it seems pretty nice. It is a modest Fijian town, which luckly (in my mind) does not see many tourists. I was initially bummed becuase I was hopping not to be placed in a larger city, but the work should make up for it. I will be working with the council to help better manage the marine protected areas (MPAs) in the province. The province consists of about 106 villages, of which the majpority have some sort of MPA set up. So, I will be traveling to those villages that have them set up and working with them to not pouch in the restricted area and helping them to survey and assess the results from the instution of the area. In the villages that do not have an MPA, we will be working with them to raise awareness and possibly get them to set one up. It sounds really great so far, and I really dig the traveling aspect of the position. Although I had not hoped to be in a city, there are a few perks: The are several other volunteers in the area (8 or so), there is very good access to internet and phone facilities (i think i will actually have a cell phone), and there is plenty reasonably priced and nutricious food in the area (think i might be able to go back to being a vegetarian). The northern island is a beautiful place, with ample diving (all kinds of reefs), hiking (there are mountains less than a kilometer from the ocean), and other recreational activities; as such I am pretty pumped to get up there and start exploring.

If, by lovely chance, you have a package in your hands just waiting to ship of to the fiji islands, please do not until i give you an updated address. I have it, but of course forgot to bring it to the computer facility; so since mail takes roughly 2 weeks to get here I would not receive it at my present address (no worries if you just sent something, the peace corps will forward it along, it will just take awhile). We have some training and a few exams and such the next couple weeks and will all be shipping off net thursday (your wens maybe, depending on which side of the world you live on) July 26th.

Otherwise all is going well, just trying to make it through the homestretch of training and move on to my site. Thanks for the letters, rents and jessica i received yours yesterday. I'll try to write back here as soon as I can.




Unknown said...

Hey Aric - Glad to hear everything is going so well. Your assignment and location sounds amazing. Although its a larger city than what you originally hoped, the traveling will provide you with a great opportunitity to see more of the land and the diving in the area sounds right up your alley. All's well here...moved into the new townhouse and just staying busy with work and class. I'll try to send you an official letter once you get your new address. Looking forward to more updates!


Drew said...

Bachelor's in Marine Affairs, with a minor in spelling.

Loooove you

dave said...

Sounds really cool man. Looking forward to hearing more. I just got back this week from Missoula, Montana, and boy was it an amazing experience. Ran the half in 1 hour, 48 minutes in 80 degree heat. I was pretty pumped. Hope all continues well, and I'll be sending an end-of-summer package here in the coming months. Much love.

Jessica said...

Whats up stranger??? Just wanted to hop on here and say I hope your move goes well and I cant wait to hear how the first few days/weeks of your assignment go. Call as soon as you can!!! I miss you!!! The only thing new around here is...well I now am the proud owner of two pairs of reading glasses. Yes just like a little old lady-try to imagine it. Funny. Oh and Kimbers is getting ready to set said for virginia which you know is a huge deal around the Breving household. She has until the second week in August but I wont be able to go up with the fam then so her and I are taking a weekend trip out there this weekend.Should be a fun road trip! Anyways hope to talk to you soon.
Love you.