Ok, not much time today so i'll have to make it quick, and hopefully i can make up for it by posting a few pics. From the top: my host family; my host village group and out trainer; my family's house (the greener one), and sunrise out infront of the village. I hope to get a few more up in the next weeks. Been a busy last couple weeks. I spent last weekend visiting another volunteer's site and meandering around Suva. Had some great food, drank a few beers, and generally had a great time. I was able to get out snorkeling for the first time last week, which was nice. I would have expected to be out much more often, living on the water and all, but the reef is a good 3/4 of a mile off shore and we have not have a whole lot of down time as of late. The reef sits at the mouth of a river, and as such is a bit overrun with algae (from nutrient runoff) and is a bit sedimented; but it was still great to finally get out there. Other than that, it has just been a lot of language classes in the mornings, and technical environmental trainings in the afternoons. Our site announcement day is now 5 days away, so hopefully my next post will have all kinds of great information about my futer plans here.
Alright, some have emailed my and such for an address. My temporary one is:
Aric Bickel
Peace Corps Fiji
Private Mail Bag
24 St Fort st
Suva, Fiji Islands
The postal service here is a bit unreliable, so expect 2 -3 weeks for arrival. If sending a box or other not lettered package, i suggest writing "Jesus please watch over this package" in red sharpy marker accompantied by several crosses. Doing this helps ensure that it will not be broken into during transit.
Sorry I havent sent out more personal emails, I have unfortunately not had a lot of time to take care of some of these items; so excuse me if i use this space to send a couple quick messages:
Dave: thanks for the email, all kinds of excited about josh's new album; am eagerly anticipation
Howard: hilarious that you saw playmaker; not surprised you met a girl, i put the word out i was leaving and that you were available, and I can gaurante that kid has nicer sulu legs tha I do.
Jessica: sorry, haven't been able to get a phone call out yet, try to do so soon.
Dov: what was the hebrew term some of you israeli friends used over the wedding weekend for being allowed to break kosher (random, but it came up in conversation out here)?
Mom: I have tried calling you twice in the mornings to only get a busy signal, try keep the lines open between 6-7am for the next few days.
All: Thanks for all the posts, it's great hearing from everyone and is always a nice surprise when i get on here.
Hope all is well bak in the states (or where ever it is you're reading this from) and hopefully I will be able to get back here next week.
Aric~ The sulu suits you!!! I dont know if you look quite as good as that guy on the right though-hes smokin!! Whats up with the beard?? I thought you were in a contest. What happened, did you decide to play nice and give the rest of them a few weeks head start to make if fair or what??? Thanks for putting the pictures up-its good to see your face. Im keeping my fingers crossed for you this week- I hope you get an awesome assignment. Cant wait to hear what it is!!!
So I forgot to tell you about this super cool Douche bag Dunn baseball card I happened to recieve from guess who. It is hanging on my fridge right now but I dont know how long of a life span it has-we will just have to see how long it lasts before it is destroyed. :)
Ok well until next time...Miss you. Love you. Adios.
Dude, that sunset is absolutely ridiculous. I'm EXTREMELY envious of you man.
Like I said, email on the way.
Peace and Love,
Hey Aric, Im so glad to hear things are going well. I've been checkin in on this thing to see how you've been doing! Im excited to hear about your announcement day plans! Take care and we miss you ;)
-Sarah Reckers
PS that sunrise picture is so pretty! Im jeeeeeeeeealous =)
Hey Aric! I just found your blog and happy to hear everything is going great! Also glad you are getting a little rugby in. It is the best sport ever! Did you play before? Well hope you get a great assignment!
Hey hun~Im anxiously awaiting the news on your assignment. I hope you get what you wanted. Listen I have a quick question...I bought some phone cards for you but your mom wanted me to check if you think they will work before I send them. They are just ATT international ones. I think they should work but just let me know. I will send them as soon as you ok them. Miss you.
Bula from your mom! Where is my fri nite message ? It's 1am here, hottub company just left. Want to hear about your new assign., please write soon. love you, your fav mom.
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